The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit Discussion Guide

Trish Bachman, GPC, owner of The Write Stuff Delaware, and I lead a discussion on the book The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit by Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman and how it applies to our work as grant professionals and nonprofit champions at the 2019 Grant Professionals Association Conference

The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit is a great book to have your nonprofit or community or professional group read together and discuss. Here are some resources to help you with your discussion. 

Discussion Questions:  

  1. Did you read The Happy Healthy Nonprofit by Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman? Visited their website What did you think? 
  2. If you’ve experienced burnout, what were your symptoms? If not, how do you recognize burnout in others? 
  3. Why do you think Grant Pros specifically experience burnout? 
  4. How do you define self-care? What does it mean to you? 
  5. How do you foster good sleep habits? 
  6. How do you foster good nutrition habits? 
  7. How do you foster good exercise habits? 
  8. What strategies and tools have you used to manage burnout? 
  9. What role do personal and professional relationships play in managing burnout? 
  10. What is one self-care strategy you want to implement in your daily routine? 

Some resources to go along with the book from Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman: 

Additional reading on this topic: 

We would love to hear what you think The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit using the hashtags #HappyHealthyNonprofit and #HealthyGrantPros. 

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