Ready to Increase the Sustainability of Your Nonprofit?

Sustainability is more than just funding for programming.

It encompasses a clear mission, efficient systems and processes, diverse revenue opportunities, responsible growth, a safe organizational culture, and more that encourages staff, volunteers, partners, and populations served to thrive.

Logo for The Facing Project: Two faces smile at each other inside of a green circle, with green logo text on the upper left outside of the circle.

Bethany and bmpconsulting helped move The Facing Project from grant exploration to grant-ready.

From research to writing to establishing our GuideStar presence, bmpconsulting did it all and secured our first large grant within three months.

J.R. Jamison

The Facing Project Co-Founder and Co-Director

Annual Grant Seeking Packages

This annual contract allows you access to our services monthly and a proven step-by-step system to help you build your nonprofit’s capacity with a full sundae of grant writing and consulting services.

We will help you build a sustainable grant-seeking system and provide the needed writing and consulting support to execute your grant calendar through the whole grant life cycle.

This monthly retainer provides you with all the support you need to build, sustain, and maximize your grant revenue.

The Annual Grant Seeking Packages include

  • Evaluate grant readiness: Grant readiness is your organization’s eligibility, preparedness, and competitiveness to apply for and receive grant funding. At bmpconsulting, we will work with you to determine if your nonprofit is grant-ready or what your nonprofit needs to do to become grant-ready.
  • Research grant prospects, including monitoring listservs: Prospect funder research evaluates grant opportunities to determine if they are a good fit for your organization and its needs. bmpconsulting uses grant databases to compile a list of grant opportunities for your nonprofit organization. And together, we will decide which opportunities are best for your organization.
  • Create and manage grant calendar
  • Develop and manage grant team
  • Facilitate grant team meetings
  • Participate in any webinars for grant opportunities
  • Assist in program design
  • Manage the grant application development process: bmpconsulting works with the grant team to write and compile the grant application for submission.
  • Manage the grant reporting process: bmpconsulting works with the grant team to write and compile the grant report for submission.

Custom Training

We will help you build your internal capacity to expand your grants portfolio.

We focus on grant readiness, building systems for effective grant-seeking and internal collaboration, and teaching you how to write effective grant applications, enhance grant writing skills, build sustainability, and alleviate burnout.

Bethany has led training, keynotes, conference sessions, and webinars for over six years. We offer customized training as 1-hour or 90-minute webinars, ½ or full-day in-person workshops, and in-person multi-day mastermind classes that help you be strategic and sustainable.


bmpconsulting offers 1×1 coaching for nonprofit leaders and consultants to strengthen grant readiness, enhance grant writing skills, and develop efficient processes.

This option allows you to benefit from our track record and expertise and apply the right solutions for your situation.

Coaching packages start at six months and include two hour virtual coaching sessions a month with email support between sessions to provide critical support to help your nonprofit achieve its goals related to grant writing, funding, and sustainability.

bmpconsulting complies with the strict ethical standards set forth by the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) and never works on a commission. Before any work begins, a signed agreement and deposit are required.

Ready to Order?

The first step to working together is
to schedule a discovery call.