7 Pros for Hiring a Grant Consultant

Is your nonprofit ready to receive grant funding? Do you need more capacity to develop grant applications? Is hiring a grant consultant the right step for your nonprofit? How do you know? Here are some questions for you to think about.

  • Is there a need or higher demand for grant development in your nonprofit?
  • Does your nonprofit need someone who’s focus is on grant development?
  • Is your nonprofit ready to invest in grant development?
  • Do you already have expertise in grant development in your nonprofit?
  • Does your nonprofit have the capacity to supervise grant development?  

As I’ve shared before, grant development takes a lot of preparation and planning. A grant consultant can guide you through the process from start to finish. Hiring a grant consultant gives you many advantages.

Pros for Hiring a Grant Consultant:

  • Focus will be completely on grant development
  • Only pay when you need them
  • Reduce liability
  • Flexibility in hiring and firing
  • Receive specialized skills, experience, expertise, and credentials
  • Resources: tools, systems, databases
  • No indirect expenses like office space, computer, and professional development
Cost Consultant Employee Full-Time
Dedicated to Grant Work 1,000 hours 1,000 hours
Professional Development Consultant Responsibility $2,500 – $5,000
Fringe Benefits Consultant Responsibility 36% of salary
Overhead Consultant Responsibility 23% of salary
General and Administrative 3% of nonprofit’s time working with a consultant 17% of the time
Total for annual budget Hourly Rate x Hours + (.03) Administrative Salary, Benefits, Overhead, and General and Administrative

*General averages for grant seeking organizations. Will vary by location and type of organization. Chart by Jo Miller of JMiller & Associates

It is my mission to guide nonprofit organizations successfully through the grant development process and competitively apply for and increase a nonprofit’s grant funding. As a grant consultant, I offer my clients a range of services to help with the grant development process at hourly, monthly, or project-based rates.

When a client hires bmpconsulting, they will work with a Grant Professional Certified (GPC). A Grant Professional Certified has taken an examination offered by the Grant Professional Certification Institute that measures a candidate’s competency and skill in the grants profession. I am also a proud member of the Grant Professionals Association, a nonprofit membership association for individuals in the grants industry.

Additional Resources on this topic:

What questions do you have about hiring a grant consultant?

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